The first article: with a o-so needed presentation: my name is Silvia and I am the founder and designer of the Pyla brand.
I live with my boyfriend and I have two cats, who are an integral part of my family.
I have never had a classic, predictable or homologated personality: I always speak up for what I believe I and this, I must say, is not too often appreciated.
After obtaining a degree in Fashion Marketing and Communication at “La Sapienza” in Rome, I decided to deepen my studies abroad by living in Paris.
In the first phases of my life in Paris, I studied so much –seriously- so much, that I could have lived in any city without realizing it … also because, and this is between us, it continuously rained from January to June (except for one day in April).
After completing my master I did a lot of jobs in different more or less prominent companies but, not wanting to name names, I will tell you in no particular order the not-so-nice events that have happened to me in three years of work:
- I once woke up at dawn to commute to one of the most peripheral districts of Paris to retrieve 4 or 5 luxury bags (traveling by subway)
- I went into a shop just to ask what kind of fur was made of (which wasn’t for my personal interest of course)
- I dropped my iPhone from the 4th floor of a building and retrieved it without it even having a scratch
- I boarded a plane wearing the Batman mask just because it was Halloween
- For quite a long time I actually ate my lunches in a 19th century hall on Place Vendôme
- I was a Manager without having anyone working below me
- I could never find anything to eat that I liked near my office so I managed to simplify the menu (in short, remove the excess kilo of butter) in one of my favorite cafes
- I saw one of the most distinguished shopping windows of Paris being staged when walking back home form work
- I found out that being nice to the caterting of fashion show events is a plus
- I greeted numerous princesses
- I had to personally taste a soup for an extremely complex and demanding person
- I set up a showroom barefoot
- I learned from the French that you don’t live to work but work to live
For (almost) all the events mentioned above, you can find a photo in the slideshow below.
After this rather complex and intense period of my life, I quickly decided that I was too meteoropathic to live further up than the north of Rome and therefore, to everyone’s surprise, I returned to live in Rome.
I had already decided on the conception of Pyla, it had been years – almost 5 – that I had been studying the market and the competition carefully and I was pretty sure I knew enough to start.
On June 18, 2016 at 6:56 pm we launched our online page. The circumstance was different from what I would have ever expected but the emotions were very strong.
But that’s another story and maybe, one day, I’ll be ready to tell it…
The intent of this section that we are creating and conceptualizing today, is to tell you more about us and about our habits, but not only! We also want to talk with you about design, fashion, beauty and other interesting topics to let you know our ideas and allow you to share your thoughts with us!
Not all articles will be written by me (indeed this is not the intent at all.) This will allow you to have an extremely multifaceted point of view of what Pyla is, which never stops at the simple appearance of minimal jewelry.
Substance over the Form.
Yours truly,